I help organizations leverage modern design to drive customer value & business impact

I’m Sean Harris, a Digital Product Designer based in Denver, CO. previously @ AdRoll, Sling TV, Angi, Rachio and others.

Case Studies

Leading design on an enterprise-wide initiative to improve multi-product acquisition challenges.
< 1 min read
Helping a home services giant improve the activation of their Service Professionals.
< 1 min read

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Design tools change. Principles are timeless.
6 min read
Changing the round-table discussion.
8 min read

Values & Skillset

How I see design, current focus and guiding principles.

No matter what your role or title, presenting empowering questions, as a primary means of “getting things done” helps cultivate a safe space for communication, collaboration and creativity.

On the other side of the spectrum telling people what to do, as a primary means of getting things done, may stifle collaboration, slow progress and could have a negative impact on your organization.

One of my favorite books “Multipliers” digs into this in great detail… See More

Use your intelligence to amplify the smarts and capabilities of the people around you. You can have a resoundingly positive and profitable effect on organizations – getting more done with fewer resources, developing and attracting talent, and cultivating new ideas and energy to drive organizational change and innovation… See More

Understanding your organization’s level of commitment to design, team structure, and political landscape will help you optimize your efforts.

It will also help you avoid obstacles and in a perfect world could help you align with any organizational change before it impacts your role… See More

Taking the time to understand the business drivers behind the service you support helps you make informed design decisions that balance customer need with business goals.

Educating yourself on the different customer journeys across your organization’s portfolio helps you cultivate a holistic view that reveals how your team’s decisions may impact other parts of the service… See More

At this very moment, your professional role, ideas, processes, and even your personal life are participating in experiments. Embracing an awareness of your own assumptions, creates a safe space to learn, reduces risk and helps relieve the pressure of coming up with that next “big idea” on your own.

This principle aligns well with the Buddhist philosophy of “Detachment” where suffering comes from one’s attachment to ideas and or personal belongings… See More

The expense associated with improving your ability to measure the impact of your work is a fraction of the expense associated with “designing blind” as an organization.

Investing in your ability to measure will not only pay for itself, it will yield an exponential reward across the organization. It will help validate all those great ideas in your backlog, measure the performance of your efforts and ultimately lead to growth… See More

Tech roles aren’t for the weary or faint of heart. We are the first responders in the unspoken war of the marketplace. Organizations are constantly “re-organizing” and in turn, generating layoffs. Meanwhile, consumers AND employees in the tech space are hiring and firing organizations at break-neck speed.

Be brave. Face your challenges and the potential for rejection with courage. Be proud of your experiences and carry any scars like a badge of honor, they will serve you well!.. See More


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